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En Totalcoin ahora es más rápido cambiar tus bitcoins a otras criptomonedas
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Cómo comprar y vender bitcoins en bolívares a través de Totalcoin, en solo 7 pasos
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Totalcoin llegó a Venezuela. Compra y vende bitcoin con bolívares y recibe remesas
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Market FAQ
I accidently released Bitcoin without receiving a payment. What should I do?
You should contact technical support as soon as possible. We will try to lock those funds, if it is possible, and return them...
Market FAQ
A buyer sent me money for Bitcoin, but forgot to confirm a payment in 15 minutes, and a deal was cancelled automatically
Please contact technical support, we will check everything and find a solution. You can also contact a buyer personally via c...
Market FAQ
Payment system or bank I used for Bitcoin trading blocked my account. Will you compensate for my loss?
No. We are not responsible for this. Choosing a payment system or bank is your responsibility, you must understand and take a...
Market FAQ
Is there a minimum amount of BTC I must keep in my wallet in order to post selling ads?
You are required to have at least 0.01 BTC to activate selling ads. There is no minimum deposit required for buying ads. ...
Market FAQ
Are there pricing limits?
Yes, there are. Lower limit is -50%, upper limit is +50%.
Market FAQ
How many ads can I post?
You can post up to 10 ads at the same time.